The primary focus of Grace Bible Church is consistent and accurate Bible teaching so that Christians can learn, believe, and apply God's Word. The Church is regarded as God's classroom for believers to assemble with objectivity, academic discipline, and good manners, so that they might be disciples, that is, students of the Word of God.
As of November 9, 2014, the church is meeting at 22 Great Oaks Blvd., San Jose, room 275. We receive doctrinal Bible teaching from Pastor R. B. Thieme III of Berachah Church, Houston, Texas, by way of DVDs displayed on screen. For further information about Berachah Church, visit their web site:
Pastor Thieme is currently teaching Practical Divine Wisdom.
Grace Bible Church
22 Great Oaks Blvd Suite #275
San Jose, California 95119
Andy Juarez
phone: (831) 313-7624