Pastor Robert B. Thieme III, a native Texan, became pastor of Berachah Church in 2004 following his father, Colonel Robert B. Thieme, Jr., who built a worldwide ministry while serving as pastor for 53 years. Prior to becoming a pastor, R. B. Thieme III had a distinguished career in the U. S. Army, serving as an Infantry officer, Airborne Ranger, and a tactical and strategical intelligence officer. He left the army as a major and enrolled in Western Conservative Baptist Seminary in Portland, Oregon. He graduated Magna Cum Laude in 1987 with Masters degrees of Divinity and Theology. Upon completion of seminary in 1988, he joined R. B. Thieme, Jr., Bible Ministries as the editor-in-chief. He continues to serve as president of the Ministries as well as pastor of Berachah Church.